As I move up I will eventually reach the horizon
31/3 - 28/4
Beaver projects, Copenhagen
Beaver Projects proudly presents Swedish artist Ulrika Sparre´s first solo show in Denmark. The exhibition will concist of video, sculpture, textworks and photography. Ulrika Sparre investigates the mechanisms, behaviors and social pattern that constitute human life. Her practice investigates individuality and the impact of the development towards individualism and consumerism in contemporary society. She is particularily interested in how non-religious and scientific beliefs are expressed in the secularized western society of today.
The new works presented in the exhibition As I Move Up I Will Eventually Reach The Horizon, examines the dedicated faith in the natural landscape and how the experiences that we have in nature often seem to connotate truth.
In 1964 the American psychologist Abraham Maslow coined the term peak experience in his book Religions, Values and Peak Experiences. Peak experiences are described by Maslow as especially joyous and exciting moments in life, involving sudden feelings of intense happiness and well-being, wonder and awe, and an awareness of a larger association with the world around you.
The exhibition As I Move Up I Will Eventually Reach The Horizon is a study on different ways of maintaining the highly personal peak experience wandering through the overwhelming beauty of nature.
The exhibition is also presenting the performative project All is well. Ulrika Sparres' "All is well" is based on an idea of the ancient Town Crier. Every hours she called in her bell to tell you the time and to inform that all was quiet and peaceful in the city.
- I take the role of the civil Town crier, where I unconditionally submits security and calm.
Ulrika Sparre is born in 1974, and lives and works in Stockholm. She is educated at the Konstfack College of Arts in Stockholm, and Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. She works with installation, sculpture, photography, video, performance and sound. Ulrika has, among others, exhibited at Färgfabriken, Passagen, Gallery Niklas Belenius, Gallery Bastard, Interactive Institute, and has also undertaken a number of public projects. 2008 she was awarded the Becker Art Scholarship. In 2012 she participates in the exhibition European Horizons at the Tina B Contemporary, Prague, as well as the Reykjaviks Arts Festival in collaboration with the Icelandic artist Steingrimur Eyfjord.
I am not useful therefore I am
view on vimeo
Please contact the gallery for further info.